
Love This Little Rascal!

This green plant won’t play tricks on you. The only surprise you’ll get from consuming alfalfa is a stronger heartbeat and better bowels. The roots of this plant sink deep into the earth and absorb a myriad of minerals many other plants can’t reach. That makes it one of the most vitamin- and mineral-rich sprouts out there.

How Alfalfa Helps Your Health

Alfalfa contains a long list of minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc. It also boasts eight amino acids, which build protein. In addition to vitamins A, D, E and K, this grassy green plant—has also got chlorophyll.

If you want to lower your cholesterol, this plant can help.

It’s fiber and saponins, natural chemical compounds found in some plants, grab hold of cholesterol and refuse to let it settle in you arteries. By the same token, it can also help lower blood sugar levels.

People with digestive problems also benefit from the fiber in this miracle sprout, which aids the processing of food.

Another surprising advantage of alfalfa is that its high phytoestrogen content can help combat symptoms of menopause.


Navigating Alfalfa Supplements

You can eat it’s sprouts, munch on it’s seeds, blend the grass into a drink, or boil the leaves to make tea.

Many people get its health advantages via dietary supplements in the form of powders or capsules. The same superfood benefits apply either way.






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